Dr.Yoga Vidhya B.S.M.S

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Hospital Name: Ethnic Health Care Department: Siddha

Dr. B.Yoga Vidhya from the ancient siddha traditional family from child hood lived and mingled with all the secrets of ancient method of healing diseases. Now for the betterment in this field she has finished her doctorate in siddha medicine under M.G.R university B.S.M.S of 51/2 years course. this makes her successful in treating patients., even those who are left untreated in other systems of medicine.

As the number of people, preferring natural health remedies and herbal health remedies are increasing day by day and Indian medical systems are gaining popularity all over the world nowadays, this is the best / perfect time to introduce Siddha Medicine to the world.

Siddha System of Medicine also known as Siddha Vaidya in India, is the oldest among the Indian Medical Systems namely Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani & it is also the oldest medical system in the world.

Siddha medicine is the earliest medicine every documented in the world & the oldest medical system in existance. Siddha Vaidya can be considered as the crown of all the traditional arts of the ancient world owing to its richness and simplicity. The word Siddha comes from the word Siddhi which means an object to attain perfection or heaven ! Siddha Medicine means medicine that is perfect.